From Dr. Freakowitz:
After all those endless posts of cassettes of bands I have never heard from (who does?) I thought it was nice to have a short break. Therefore I have selected some almost forgotten 7-inches in my collection to share with you. No specific theme but just a bunch of singles that are worthwhile (one more than another) to listen to once in your lifetime.
The Static is an early project of Glenn Branca, very No New Yorkish. Mark Beer’s single has a b-side with erased and vanished instruments, just a gimmick. After This is just a nice sounding new wave group of which many were crawling around in the early eighties. The Mumbles have made with Poly Vinyl one of the catchiest pop songs to my opinion. A US-band but released on the Dutch Plurex (I was surprised that I couldn’t find it, even on this blog, but maybe I didn’t search thoroughly enough). Also catchy is Kill Myself, the 7-inch of Il Y A Volkswagens (also a band name that surely make it to the top 10 of the peculiar band names). A whole different thing is the single of The Enemy Within, a On-U Sound production to support the miners in the UK way back then when Margaret Thatcher ruled Britain. The last single was for me the most valuable found treasure in my search of forgotten music: Family Fodder with the jumpy Debbie Harry (and with a dub on the b-side). I wanted to hear more from this band and found out that they made some other nice singles and some albums (of which 2 are samplers) as well, of which some are still available even on the internet.
Not for sale
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